Google Earth Lead Developer Believes World Is Flat


CA –

Greg Oikinson, 29, of Palo Alto has been a senior developer at Google for seven years. He in in charge of strategy and operations at Google Earth. Leading a team of 10 engineers, Wilkinson is tasked with overseeing the general functions of the Google Earth software.

Last week Wilkinson Tweeted a post that echoed undertones of flat earth conspiracy: “Everything in this world is theory. From black holes to the roundness of the earth.” His post raised eyebrows in the tech world, but it wasn’t until this morning that his peers’ suspicions were confirmed following his most recent post denouncing modern science, Google, and NASA.

“As a lead Google developer for over seven years it is my responsibility to finally address our terrestrial landscape”

He linked to his blog in which he stated “After years of diligent study and intent work I have concluded there is no way the world can be spherical. Given how our data at Google has never matched up to NASA’s data, and given how modern technology simply cannot measure the magnitude of such a planet, we can never really be guaranteed the earth is spherical.  The truth is, this idea is so ingrained in our culture that no one questions it. Well, I’m questioning it.”

Following his tweet and blog post, Google suspended Wilkinson to handle the situation internally.


Published by Jake Dressler

Estate Planning and Car Accident Attorney in MA and CT

138 thoughts on “Google Earth Lead Developer Believes World Is Flat

  1. Reblogged this on Anti-Propaganda News and commented:
    I can only guess that this person has never heard of over-horizon radar, the Paris Gun (WWI), the works of Richard Hoagland (author of Dark Agenda and mathematical calculations to get to the moon and put things in orbit), studied celestial navigation, or familiar with the distribution of omega-3, 6, 9 oils on the planet. Not to mention, explain time zones, seasons, or the significance of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Bonus points for the Egyptian origin of “the metre”.

    Said another way, Flat Earth is proof that public education has failed.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Speaking of mathematics, at what altitude is the curvature of the earth visible? Last I checked it’s 8″ per mile of distance squared at sea level. Until you go up 35,000′ and still no observable curve. Since you apparently have access to NASAs telemetry data for moon landings and space travel, could you please share that with the rest of us? NASA claims they lost all data and recordings. Thanks a bunch doll 😂

      Liked by 5 people

      1. “at what altitude is the curvature of the earth visible” – According to this evidence it is perfectly visible at around 20 miles or 100000 feet:

        You can tell from the point they cut to the rocket cam footage that it is a regular lens, not wide-angle, not “fisheye”. There is no barrel distortion of the image while the rocket is still sitting on the ground just before launch. And it certainly doesn’t turn into a “fisheye” lens as it ascends. The curvature there is real. I have highlighted it with a perfectly flat horizontal yellow rectangle around it in this screen shot:

        Note while watching the video that the image does not undergo any kind of distortion as the rocket tilts and rotates, as would be expected of a wide-angle or fisheye lens, unlike many other videos that plainly show that effect. Also note, and you can do it frame by frame in slow mode or pausing it from time to time, how the amount of curvature of the horizon very noticeably and obviously increases as the rocket gets higher and higher precisely as would be expected of a spherical Earth. RIght up until shortly before the end, when I took that screen shot at 1:51, the right end of the horizon is actually perpendicular to the right edge of the frame. You can plainly see how the horizon curves down going from right to left.

        The extent of curvature to be seen at a particular height can be calculated and portrayed graphically with this site:

        For an altitude of 30480 meters and a roll of about 2.5 degrees, this is what you would see:

        Playing with the controls provided on the “Finding the Curvature” site you will immediately see why we don’t see any curvature of the horizon until sufficient altitude is achieved.

        Enough with the Yoga Jockstrap Dubay Cheerleading!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. There is a trigonometry equation for the curvature that is based on the mathematical calculations of the circumference, diameter and radius of the earth. Therefore it’s absolute unless you start changing the dimension of the earth. Nothing on the surface of the earth that is observable is measurable with that trigonometry equation because it doesn’t apply to the real world. That is why we can see objects very far away at sea level that would otherwise be over the spherical horizon. The earth is flat.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Richard Hoagland published the calculations in the book that I mentioned. If you knew what you were talking about, you would already know that. LOL!


      4. I am well aware who Richard Hoagland, I have read some of his work “Monuments of Mars” and he was a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM. Richard is a smart guy but unfortunately he is part of the problem instead of the solution as his work based on alien artifacts promotes further the Heliocentric model by exploiting space, planets and aliens. His assumptions that there are glass structures on the moon is nothing but an optical illusion created unintentionally with front projection to fake the moon landing. The backdrop is made of tiny glass pixelation and when some are missing the reflection of the projection creates this anomaly on the screen. Richard knows quite well the earth is flat but profits from the exploitation of fairy tales.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Have you considered that it’s flat and people are finally starting to actually question what they’re being indoctrinated with from birth? If you have the courage and mental fortitude to do this yourself you’ll find that the numbers and data don’t hold up. Welcome to flat earth… with us or against us you can’t stop this train. xoxox

      Liked by 4 people

      1. And all would take is a $300 drone to fly over the “edge”
        from the “circle of ice” and see live video and take pictures.
        So what is their reasoning for not investing in a drone? Never mind that we are in 2017 and have pictures from private satellite companies.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. The utter impossibility of a gas inside a vacuum. How does gravity know exactly where the atmosphere ends and the vacuum begins? How can gravity hold a single particle of oxygen at the edge of space against all the power of the vacuum?

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      2. I am not surprised by your answer most globetards response is a non response with insults which indicates you don’t know shit. You only know what you have been told and that question has never been asked by your shit for brain zombie.
        What don’t you tell me if the Southern Hemisphere constellation is different than the Northern Hemisphere constellation??

        Liked by 1 person

      3. There is no vacuum in space. There is only ‘nothing’ (as in no air). A ‘vacuum’ is created by gravity holding the atmosphere against the planet. When you suck the air out of something, atmospheric pressure, caused by gravity, causes air to rush in to fill the gap. Out beyond the atmosphere, there is no such pehnomena. So calling space a vacuum shows complete ignorance of physics.


    3. Or…..those with public educations have been so well indoctrinated that they couldn’t possibly question those indoctrinated before them. Hundredth monkey effect!!!

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    4. Seriously, wtf are you people smoking? Moon landings are fake? Space X is propaganda? All the satellites providing the TV you watch and the mobile phones you use and (some) of you think that there is some conspiracy afoot? Tell me, this would be helpful for what purpose? Illuminati I expect. OK. Telescopes are pointing at other planets, all being pretty damned round. You can check this yourself. The earth goes around the sun. You might have noticed. If not, perhaps you noticed the moon or the fact we even have an horizon at all.

      I’ll put this one to bed guys, here, go do this experiment yourself, assuming you believe in trees and sticks.

      I’m clearly as stoooopid as you, I just reacted to this nonsense!


      1. You don’t seriously believe in satellites in space do you? Research it before making stupid comments. Since the 60’s satellites have been going up in balloons, the rockets are all smoke and mirrors for added cost and keeping the Heliocentric model going.


      2. The Sun is supposedly 93 million miles away in a vacuum of space! How does the heat reaches the Earth? While one side of the Earth is illuminated at the time why is the surrounding space not lit up at night since the Sun is 109 times larger than the Earth?

        Liked by 1 person

    5. wow. anti propoganda but totally decieved and asleep to the real truth. if u found out about propaganda yesterday or when ever, what do u think happened to all the “propaganda” that poisoned ur mind up to that point in time!? you get the truth about exactly NOTHING you are ever “educated” about in life! #dietWOKE


    6. Not a single Flat Earther who responded took the trouble to examine ANY of the material that I listed. That alone should be all we need to know about the mental faculties of the people in this cult.

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    7. No suelo prenderme en debates con gente que no conozco;la verdad, me irrito, y es algo que aún me cuesta controlar. En respuesta a tu manera de decir las cosas y la educación, puedo coincidir en que, en gran parte, la educación falló, ya que no a todos nos duró el adoctrinamiento. La otra partecita es la que embruteció por demás, en donde te coloco a vos y a todos los que siguen defendiendo un modelo burdo y mentiroso, y siguen creyendo que se llegó a la luna.


    8. Your either Controlled opposition or your not paying attention….causing a great degree of ignorance. The earth is flat. All of what you said it’s pure theory. Ours is repeatable and factual every time. Research flat earth


    9. The Public Education is proof that the Dis-information has been very successful.
      Theres a difference between being educated, and being intelligent.
      Going through school means you did what someone told you to do, and regurgitated it on command.
      You have no reason to think your teacher is wrong, and they also have no reason to believe they were taught wrong. Not many people are IN on it.. Most are just blindly sharing what they they’ve been taught to be “the truth”.

      He who wins the wars writes the history books.
      I could write an entire book about flat earth theory, I cannot cover even 1% of it in this reply message.

      Thank God for the Internet

      youtube search Eric Dubay 200 proofs for the earth is not a ball


      1. Simple science experiments, and mathematics can easily prove the earth is not a ball.
        These quantum physicists, astrophysicists, and other branches of cosmology/astrology just keep making up nonsense in their heads to solve problems they cant find answers to.. they are essentially reverse engineering from the Glob

        Dark matter/dark energy.
        black holes.

        its all bullshit.

        -Nikola Tesla put it plainly:
        -Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
        -The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.
        -The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.
        Einstein, when asked who was the smartest man in the world said: you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla.

        Who the fuck put the video camera on the moon before the first astronaut walked down the ladder…
        And then we’re supposed to believe they filmed, the most dangerous feat in human history, Live.
        wheres the engine blast evidence from landing? NASA admits TODAY, that we cannot pass through the Van Allen Radiation Belt. BTW, Who the FUCK is taking all these “pictures” of satellites in space, and how come you never see one pass infront of the moon? And all the pictures of satellites orbiting planets, what took those pictures? lmao. its such a joke.

        Take 24 hours of your time to seriously research flat earth before being like every other idiot who just talks shit. Anyone can talk shit. You Ballers think Flat earthers have never started off as Ballers, but 99% of them have. You must understand this. We we’re not born thinking the Earth is flat.. We went to school and graduated, went to college, even worked for NASA.


      2. Gravity is a hoax! We are told that our tides are pulled by the Moon which is only a quarter the size of the Earth and yet that same gravitational pull has no impact on lighter than air gases and the atmospheric clouds containing enough moisture in the air to cover the whole Earth with one inch of water. You can’t have it both ways.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The earth IS FLAT! Water always finds its level, no true pics of a globe, ball, now pear shaped oblate spheroid! they don’t have technology to go back to moon because they were NEVER there! WAKE up! you have been duped! Flat earth is exploding! you will never see water curve or bend, just get a P900 camera! the planets are all wandering stars rotating the same pattern along with the sun & moon above us…. for over 6000 years around Polaris, the NORTH Star which has NOT moved! We are circled in by Antartica HIGH ICE walls holding in the oceans~ all 71 % of the water which is all the water on earth ~level! Google Admiral Byrd and Cook!

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Constellation hasn’t changed for thousands of years. It’s the same above or below the equator. Like we have one sun and one moon yet both can be observed in three geographically opposed locations at the same time. Like the example below:
        Luke Dow
        Time 6:06 AM
        Location: Biloela, Cntrl Queensland, Australia

        Matt James
        Time: 9:06 PM
        Location: Helifax, W. Yorkshire, England

        D. Marble
        Time: 1:06 PM
        Location: Tacoma, WA USA

        All three individuals while face timing were observing the sun simultaneously which would be impossible on a globe considering that the locations are geographically opposite of each other which proves once again that the earth is flat.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. So why is the earth the only flat planet? I look through my telescope and all the planets are big ol’ balls of rock or gas. Why does the mind shadow appear as an arc? Water finds its level because of gravity, or is that also another brain washed conspiracy cooked up to keep us guessing?

        You flat earth people make me smile… Perhaps Terry Pratchett should have started a religion like Ron L Hubert 😂😂😂😂

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      2. No son, you look through your telescope and you see round shaped objects of light and just cuz it’s round doesn’t mean it’s a ball for e.g. a quarter is round and flat at the same time….. Gravity, the way we were taught it is B.S. just the fact that they claim that this invisible force can cause one object to continually fall around it (orbit) and in another case cause another object to “gravitate” towards or fall to it is total B.S., this is the same force changing its nature where convenient ….. Come on!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. None of NASA’s footage of anything in space is real, It’s all CGI.
        I have taken photos and videos of both planets and stars and they don’t look nothing like what we are shown on media. It’s all bullshit. NASA is just a money pit. All their satellites are airborne with balloons, they have been doing that since the 60’s and the rockets are just smoke and mirrors. In order to properly research FE you need to forget the academia indoctrination and use your brain to make sense of it all instead of blindly follow textbooks. As an amateur photographer I often take photos of both the moon and the sun and I have taken some great photos of both and made me question as to why all the craters on the surface of the moon are all perfectly perpendicular. In other words, if craters are the results of impacts where are the trail marks? Did the impacts where all coming perfectly perpendicular from space and if they did, isnst the earth in the way since we always observe the same side of the moon. Did Earth go to war with the moon in the distant past? 😂🤣😜

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      4. And all the observatories Worldwide are also in on this conspiracy? You heard of the early bombardment, right? Elon Musk, he’s in on this too? I have no love for the governments, but seriously, I’ve used my own eyes for a long time and I’m happy to believe that NASA or the rest of the World are happy to believe we live on a globe. I don’t get your reasoning as to why there would be some great conspiracy fooling the entire planet that the earth is round?


      5. Use your brain! Why would Google buy a fleet of drones to map the earth for their Google Earth data when they supposedly already have satellites? Their Satellites attached to balloons were not very successful as they crashed in people’s backyards. Hubble is obviously a hoax as NASA replaced it with “Sophia” operating from a 747 which supposedly works better than Hubble in space. How Can lenses work better from the atmosphere? Because Hubble was always in the atmosphere! There is no space as we know it! The aerospace industry is a trillion dollar business where governments, banks, private sector and investment firms are all in it for profit and getting the economy rolling. It’s a global Ponzi scheme. Most are not aware of it. But I am quite sure the ones at the top of the ladder are in the know. Can you imagine what would happen to the global economy if FE was suddenly made public?

        Liked by 1 person

      6. But can you explain other constellations appearing in different parts of the sky at different times of the year? As well as some not being visible at all during certain times depending on location? What is the flat idiot explanation for that?

        I would also like to point out that if you take a globe (I know. Those evil fake round earth model things) into a dark room and shine a light at the right angle in the right spot, the light would illuminate all 3 of those places. Also, those places aren’t ‘geographically opposite’ of each other. If you actually looked at a globe, you would see this. Take note of the times at which it was viewed. Midday over WA, early moring over Aussie, late evening over England. So it was just rising in one place, high noon in the middle, and setting on the other side. I mean, if the earth was flat it would have been in the same position in the sky over all 3 locations. You can actually test this over any of the many flat earth models. Theres no way the sun is2nt visible from literally everywhere at the same time with flat earth. You wanna talk about geographically opposite locations? I’ve facetimed my friend on vacation in vietnam at 3 in the morning my time from Louisiana, totally dark outside, but daylight for him. Because roundish. Or is there a flat earth theory for that, too?


      7. LOL, really? It’s called “surface tension”, and it does not apply to large bodies of water. Basic molecular principle.


  3. At last! Just need a small flood of prominent whistleblowers to blow the whistle on this whole fake science paradigm. Why and how do NASA rocket launches hover for considerable time just above the pad, make parabolic arcs over the sea, reach absurd speeds to catch up with the ISS (17,223mph apparently!) and on and on….? Its ALL a horrible deception. Wake Up folks – our beautiful Earth, flat and motionless is being systematically plundered and destroyed.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Planets are not what you have been taught to believe. They are just solo luminescent bodies in the firmament of the sky. Watch some Nikon P900 footage of planets and stars to get some sort of a better idea of what they are. Earth is flat. No real photos of earth from space, compare all “official globe photos” and you will find they are all fakes with obvious photo-shop (copy&pasted clouds). Nobody went to the moon, it was all proven a big hoax. ISS caught faking footage with green-screens CGI and augmented virtual reality. 8in. per mile official NASA Curvature formula proves no curvature whatsoever! We can see flat across lakes and ocean waters and flat lands for 50–100 miles on clear days. Water simply does not curve around a 1000mph spinning globe. There are hundreds of more proofs for a flat earth, yet no proof for a spinning globe in space other than assumptions, unproven gravitational theories and fake pictures from the “space agencies” across the world. Research and trust your God given senses. Flat Earth if FACT regardless of how unbelievable you think it is or how hard you want to deny it. Everything you think you know is upside-down, inside-out and backwards thanks to the evil controllers of this realm. Please wake up and do your due diligence to properly research this subject like many of us “flat earthers” have. GOD BLESS US ALL.

    Join us on Facebook “THE FLAT EARTH REVOLUTION” and avoid the government sponsored controlled opposition “The Flat Earth Society” set to discredit the real flat earth movement!

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    1. You flat earth people think so shallow. You believe everything you told about a flat earth without any proof of your own and yet you reject the facts. Not yet has anyone of you been able to draw a map of your flat earth in the winter months where the North Pole is in total darkness twenty four hours a day. Wile at the same time having nearly twenty four hours a day of sunlight around the outer edges of your flat earth. I’ve had you claim the Antarctica didn’t exist but we all know South America dose exist and the south end of it gets almost twenty four hours of sunlight. I believe Austin gets about 18 hours of sunlight when the North Pole is getting twenty four hours of darkness. We know this to be true and the only model of earth that can possibly replicate this is a globe earth. Flat earth can’t even come close to this. And yet you still believe in a flat earth. It’s just mind blowing how dumb people have become


      1. You prove 100% that you have yet to ever even listen to their argument nor done research. their map shows exactly how it works where North pole gets 100% daylight and during Tropic Capricorn gets 100% darkness. LOL! We ignore facts? More like you ignore everything and not do research about the opposing side before opening your fat mouth, lol! Retard. Keep on swallowing the hundreds year old shit shoved down your throat.

        There are A LOT of information + diagram + REAL SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT + mathematics that disprove the globe and proves the infinite plane.

        Here is your 100% sun thing you geek. i hope you understand tropic cancer and tropic capricorn.
        Basic model

        4 seasons

        Liked by 2 people

    2. How does one fly over europe to china and then to hawaii. How did Magellan circumnavigate the globe. What does a water droplet do when it is in the air – does it go flat? God flat-earths are Morons with unfortunately misused but great minds.


    3. Please stop parroting Eric Dubay BS and learn some real science. Science isn’t the product of government and governmental space agencies, you know.


      1. You can learn more from Eric Dubay’s videos than all the bullshit about the Heliocentric model we have been brain washed with. Because when you finally apply science, math and physics to the obvious questions it proves that none of it makes sense and all the evidence are neither observable or measurable.


      2. Interesting. if science isn’t a product of government and their agencies whom do you propose trains said scientists, then funds research once they have been sufficiently taught in the dogma of said patrons. If their scientific results don’t align with dogmatic truths is there a chance they will be reported, released, reviewed ? Let alone another research grant which all academia need to survive and live as individuals? Just a thought 🤪


      1. If everyone would take the time to seriously consider using the trigonometry equation of Distance X Square X 8 inches, they would soon discover that the reason we can observe things very far away is because the earth is flat. On a clear day I can see Santa Barbara Island 43 miles away.

        Liked by 1 person

    4. If FE is legit, why can’t you see England from North America? On a truly flat disc, you should be able to see the whole of the disc from any point, and yet, the office towers of New York are not visible from London, even on a clear day.


  5. I’m guessing he doesn’t “believe” the Earth is flat and motionless, He “KNOWS” the Earth is flat and motionless. You know who else knows the Earth is flat and motionless? Answers: Samuel Birley Rowbotham MD PhD, Sir George Biddell Airy (“Airy’s failure*” scientific experiment*), Alex Gleason, Prof Albert Abraham Michelson (Physicist)-, Edward Williams Morley (Scientist)- <–(Michelson-Morley), French physicist Georges Sagnac, Nordmeyer-Bucherer experiment, Trouton-Noble Experiment, I could keep listing names and omitted-science but it is up to you to do your own research into the actual reality of where you exist. Remember: No curve, no ball. Good on you Thomas Wilkinson 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

  6. Help me understand something. Why on earth does it matter? So some people believe the earth is round; who cares? (Well, all of you guys, apparently, but WHY?)


    1. It matters because you’ve been lied to your whole life. You were told we been out of space (there are no space!). You were told you were living on a ball (there are no ball). You are told we came from BIG BANG, after billions of years, our great great great great ancestor which were like fish evolved from just ROCK and WATER. You were told we were here billions of years and came here by accident.

      EVERYtHING you were told and taught in school were lies. Why does it matter? It matters because you are living in a f—en fairy tale and YOU BELIEVE IT! You want to stay in the lie? Go ahead! But like many, I do NOT like liars and will not be patient with them. I’ll shoot it all out and spread the word!

      Liked by 1 person


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    1. Who says you are “spinning at 10000 mph”? The rotation rate of the spherical Earth is 24 hours per day. The equatorial circumference is 24901 miles. That give an equatorial tangential velocity of 1037 mph. The hour hand of a clock spins twice as fast. Does watching that make you “confused”? LOL !!! 😛


      1. Nice try! But you know damned well he was trying to say 1000 MPH and he probably typed an extra zero by mistake. So this is the best recourse you have for your argument? Weak and stupid! Why don’t you explain how the Coriolis Effect is taken into account for high powered bullets but not for anything else in the atmosphere? We are all eager to hear your answer.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I believe the Earth is flat and motionless but I don’t think this story is real. I couldn’t find his Twitter account or any other sources for this story. If anyone finds any sources on it please leave a link. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

      1. If Google truly needs his services because of his unique ability (a dime a dozen now days) he will be isolated. But otherwise he is done in that field of social engineering.


  8. Here’s the best summary of the flat earth movement.

    It is an intellectual falacy intended to train people to ignore evidence in favor of “belief” and entertain the plausibility of vast, systemic conspiracies. It encourages individuals to elevate unfounded personal opinions to positions of significance, turning them against a rational world while hardening against intervention. The end goal is formation of a religiously and/or ideologically motivated pool of politically expedient foot soldiers who believe themselves privy to some hidden “higher truth.”

    The psychology behind denial of evolution and climate change is deeply similar to that of flat Earth dogma. Many flat Earth acolytes are also young-Earth Creationists who entertain notions of chemtrails, HAARP weather modification, “giant angels,” Nibiru, and other internet hoaxcraft.
    In short, Flat Earth is all about turning off a person’s mental filters for sake of easier coercion. It’s intent is to create ironically confident and resilient “useful idiots.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Funny thing is once i fully understood the deception, I become completely useless to them cause I can see threw their bullshit.
      I realized we are all debt slaves, so I don’t slave after something that can be printed out of thin air & has no intrinsic value.
      I turned off the TV & so im not influenced by them threw TV programming.
      I actually grew up watching the discovery channel, science channel, history channel, PBS, etc and all that did was solidify the idea that its all bullshit.
      Listen, if you can’t see the fact that everything’s a freakin conspiracy, your blind as fuck & your not paying attention to ANYTHING around you.
      So your theory has some holes in it, cause when you actually wake up, this place & its riches, don’t freakin matter, and when that happens, you could care less about “keeping up with the Jones”, you stop caring about what other people think, its freeing..
      You can stay in your cage, it doesn’t matter to me, but I will say its much better outside of it.


    2. Curt, you’re up there in the ranks of the best of the brainwashed. “Belief” is what you do when you’ve never experienced outer space, will never experience outer space, have only seen fabricated CGI images of something and THINK is real, repeat “facts” you can never prove yourself but BELIEVES they are facts because someone you BELIEVED is smarter than you wrote a book about it. You BELIEVE the earth is a sphere in outer space but that’s where it stops. You’ve never been in “space”. For all you really know is it’s all science fiction. You have your good reasons to believe you think it’s a sphere, as we all did, but you can never prove it for yourself. The end, go back to sleep.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. You Sir fail to realize that it actually takes faith to “believe” that you live on a spinning ball … what’s obvious and true to people is that when they walk outside they don’t feel this 1000mph spin, when they look at the horizon they see flat and level no matter how high they go! And we are all asked to deny our senses and have faith in science(some guy in a lab coat)… do your own actual unbiased research and you will see too…. Thanks

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Look what they are teaching the zombies at school! 🤣😂😜

        “To sum up ‘what is the Coriolis effect’, it is an important meteorological force that is used to predict the path of storms and explains why a projectile will not hit a target at a great distance if the Earth’s rotation is not accounted for.”


      2. That implies that a sniper at a mile distance at sea level would loose 8 inches of his target and while the earth is rotating at .27777778 mile at the equator, his .50 caliber bullet going 2800 feet per second would somehow account for the Coriolis Effect so that he can hit his target. Does anyone really believe in this nonsense? This is fairy tale stuff. God gave you a brain, use it for Christ sake. Hahahhahahah!

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    4. I don’t know if this comment is hilariously funny or heartbreakingly sad. Obviously you just want to make Flat Earthers look bad while ignoring hard, verifiable facts. There is no “psychology” here. Only your own feelings, which, evidently, thoroughly permeate everything you just wrote.
      I’ll bet you are a “scientist”, huh? As in “believer of ScientISM”?…. *sigh


  9. Oh for gods’ sake this is fake news you idiots! Where’s the source? I can’t find any other mention of this guy. Who is that photo even of? Look it up – it’s actually some guy called Lucian Jones from a company called Movio. Look at the trashy articles this site publishes. USE THE BRAIN NATURE GAVE YOU, PLEASE!


  10. There is a Thomas Wilkinson at Google. However, he’s a junior developer in the search UI team and has been there for just over a year. If he believes the Earth is flat he’s an idiot.

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  11. We all thought that we lived on a Globe until some of us did the research. The evidence is out there for those that can get over the hurdle. Flat Earth is not a theory it is a fact. We have been lied to and brainwashed with fake images and lies. ANYONE THAT HUMBLE HIMSELF WILL FIND THE TRUTH IF THEY RESEARCH IT.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I have thoroughly examined both sides of the story and the flat earth theory makes so mush more sense than a round ball. I have seen interviews on television of the man from NASA who is responsible for developing the photos of the earth. And he admits that the OFFICIAL photo of the earth is a collage of multiple photos . So , as he states himself, it his interpretation of these photos and that CGI is used to piece these photos together. You mean to tell me that there are no photos of any kind that show is the entire sphere of the earth? How hard could it be , for instance, for a photo of the earth to have been taken from a vehicle such as the one that transported the mars rover as it headed out into space and have that sent back to earth so we could get a look at the earth? “Perfect” photos have been taken of all the other planets as these have flown past and away from said planets, have they not?

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Curt do a lil research outside of your SCIENCE booklet. You were only right about one thing. Nibiru is indeed a hoax. Anybody who believes in the COW FART or Monkey man theory needs to be checked for brain tumors

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  14. Oh, Curt! Please. You are so full of yourself. Each topic you listed either stands or fails by its own evidence (or lack thereof). Whatever the shape of the earth, a preponderance of the evidence is overwhelming suggests it cannot be a spinning globe flying through the vacuum of ‘outer space’. Do you believe the official story about 911 and the Las Vegas shooting too? Have you studied central banking? Do you have any clue what a mind-controlled robot you sound like?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. What is extremely interesting, and basically a solid proof that we all have been indoctrinated, not educated, is the reaction of all globe believers when they hear the words “flat earth” : it is a personal reaction and they attack flat earthers, instead the idea of flat earth.Basic 101 brainwashing reaction. They also strongly believe flat earthers are stupid, and morons, and uneducated.Nothing can be far more from the truth.Everyone in my circle of friends is a college graduate, and most are already flat earthers.Couple of the are lawyers, one is the head of a medical clinic, one is dept. head of a massive store chain, and so on.The problem with people who reject flat earth is the fact that they are doing it without actually research it or without talking with people they deem intelligent and educated.None of my friends would be a flat earthers, if they wouldn’t consider me an intelligent and educated person.Most flat earthers are college graduate, with good jobs, simply because flat earth idea is accepted by intelligent and educated people, and rejected by the ones less intelligent and less educated.The higher the level of your education, the higher the chance you will be a flat earther.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Please just 1 picture of the earth from space not CGI..just one then we can all go home to our spinng globe .. where water runs uphill and sticks to a round ball…living Happy ever after on the magic that is gravity..opps sorry the unproven theory that is gravity Nicolas Tesla. was a sharp man ..he thinks gravity is just ridiculous.. . Hay..just one none CGI picture of the earth from space please NASA ..

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Here is the best summary for the Heliocentric model movement.
    It is just a theory with no science, mathematics and physics to back it because as you research it you will find out that there is no curvature and no rotation. I can debunk any nonsense you throw at me.


  18. To me this is more simple than simple.

    The sun is round it looks round in the sky the moon is round it looks round in the sky, Mars is round, Jupiter’s round Saturn’s round the raindrops falling to the ground are round.

    I’m done with this folly

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Actually, the useful idiots are the folks who believe whatever they are told by the billionaires that own the media outlets. I’m not saying the earth is flat, but how can we just assume that it isn’t?? Remember, some people still believe that a few Muslims with boxcutters ran planes into the wtc.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I’m open-minded to the flat earth and round earth theories but when an article talks about tweets and blogs without even posting simple screenshots or links to aforementioned sites you are pretty much talking from your butt. Please cite your sources or you risk making yourself and others look stupid!


    1. What makes you look stupid is your assertion of the Heliocentric model because that’s what you were told when you have no science to back it up. To sum it up there is no curvature and rotation. Both are easily debunked by math and physics.


      1. Show me the math and physics that debunks the heliocentric model. Don’t just copy and paste, i want to see that you understand the math and physics as well.


  21. Public education failed? Ha, yet only idiots believe water curves, and the hundred mile flat Suez Canal shows ZERO curvature……………

    Mathematics condemn globe theory. Theory. Unprovable. Not testable. Opinions that cannot stand the test of reality.

    Ever drive across Kansas? Dead flat. Zero curvature.

    But maybe your public education taught you that you can walk upside down on a basketball or on ceilings. New flash: humans are not insects. then again, maybe you have seen, first hand, the earth move ONE INCH?

    Didn’t think so.


      1. Reality is a bitch. The carpenters level does not lie, neither do my eyes. Perhaps lying eyes have confused your brain? Just a thought.


      2. Unless you have a comment about the material that I listed, your opinion is uninformed and therefore meaningless. But keep exposing your ignorance to the rest of the world–we can use a good laugh.


      3. The material you listed is irrelevant to facts, logic, common sense and reality.

        YOU need to explain WHY there is no observable curvature in the hundred mile Suez canal. None. Zero, Zippo. Nada.

        According to YOUR own ball nonsense,, that would impossible. Do your own math of the curvature chart, which you NEED for your THEORY to work.

        It does not. Water is flat. Every time.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Whatever . . . You are clearly incapaple of comprehending that which you claim to oppose. If you can’t see that, that I am done wasting my time with you.


      5. That’s nice. But you need the proof that the earth moves one inch, not me. I make no such devious claim.

        Here ya go, an old favorite.

        Liked by 2 people

  22. August Picard was the first person to go up in a high altitude balloon. He described the Earth as disc shaped with up-turned edges. For thousands of years every single culture believed the Earth to be flat up until 500 years ago when Copernicus’s THEORY was made mainstream by western religions and governments yet no-one had any way to verify it. At the end of Einstein’s career he stated “Their is no optical test that can prove the Earth to be moving. Tesla stated the heliocentric model and globe Earth to be “fantasy”.

    The Michaelson-Morley experiment and Areys failure, failed to detect any movement of the Earth.The bedford level experiment proves that the surface of water does not and cannot curve – always finds it level. Throughout history scientists have proven the current heliocentric globe model to be completely wrong. It is taught in schools to brainwash us.

    NASA was founded by the chief Nazi scientist Verner Von Braun. The word NASA in Hebrew means to deceive. The moon missions were filmed in a studio – tons of evidence if you bother to look. In a vacuum there are NO molecules for rockets to push off from. Thrust in a vacuum breaks Newton’s law of physics “an opposite and equal reaction”. Nasa claim in many recent videos that humans have never been pst low Earth orbit due to the Van Allen radiation belts.

    The thermosphere is 4500 F and the ISS and spacecraft are built out of mainly aluminium and plastic. Melting point nowhere near the temps required not to mention reentry. The moon’s surface is 200 C yet the astronauts visors are 1960s standard plastic and the boots are standard rubber, both liquify well before the temps required to exist in. The astronauts backpacks (1960s tech) apparently contain 15 scuba tanks of air (7 hr moon walks), air-conditioner, heater, water tanks, water regulators, valves, pumps, Radio transmitter and batteries to power it all. Think about that for a second.

    I could go on and on but most of you will not be able to let go of the biggest lie in human history. Do yourself a favor and look up these channels on youtube, Jeranism, Mark Sargent, Globebusters, Flat earth Asshole, so many more. Thousands of videos from reputable sources. Do you know the current theory states we the earth is spinning at 1000 mph at ground level on the equator? That’s faster than the speed of sound yet the stars at night are not whizzing by in a blur are they? They say NASA rockets travel at 17,000 mph to leave the atmosphere yet have you seen how slow NASA rockets take off? You can’t see a bullet travelling at max 1700 mph, do you think you could see a rocket travelling ten times that? Think about it.

    Too big a secret? How many people have worked in the tobacco industry over the centuries and didn’t know it caused cancer? How about asbestos, lead paint, fluoride… the world runs on liars at the top and sheep at the bottom.

    Why would they lie? NASA alone gets 51Million dollars a day… what would you do for that kind of money every single day? Then there’s the big issues of turning people away from religion by pushing an alternative called science to keep their place in power. What if they are hiding more land and resources?

    Seriously, spend some time researching it and try to control the anger that everyone has when first hearing about it. You know you’ve been programmed when you feel like laughing at it and calling people “retard”. This is the standard programmed response. Whatever the true shape of Earth, all we do know is that NASA is BS and so is the globe heliocentric theory. So many lies and issues. Peace.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They refuse to use their brain. They are so afraid to loose their precious sexy ball and face a Creator. None of the mathematics and physics can explain logically the Heliocentric model. It’s an absolute fairy tale.


  23. So much discussion about the earth and planets but no one questions the validity of the blogpost here? They claim that Wilkinson made some blogpost and Tweet, but,



  24. Anyone considered that this site is for satire or sardonic value only? Look at the other articles…

    Let’s ask a few questions that should be easily answerable-

    Does the sun grow larger in the sky as the day goes on and then get smaller again as the day ends?

    Does the sunrise start from a point that appears to be north of all vantage points, dip south until noon, and then go back til it is in the north again at sunset?

    Could the visibility of a solar eclipse run diagonally across the United States from the upper northwest to the southeast while the moon remained in its normal path orientation of east to west on a flat plane model?

    Does the orientation of the crescent phases of the moon change throughout the night, or does it remain oriented the same from all vantage points east to west? Does it rotate?

    Can the sun be simultaneously visible from Australia and England and yet still have sunset occur along the meridians in the flat earth model?

    Why would the sun not have phases like the moon in the spotlight model of the flat earth?

    If the surface of water never curves, how do you explain surface tension?

    Does anyone here understand that space is not “a vacuum” except by comparative description, but simply is an area with less pressure (less densely packed matter) than our atmosphere, but drastically less pressure than the pressurized cabin of a vehicle/aircraft that needs to support life that is used to that pressure?

    How does a person explain away astral videography that shows a perfect rotation around a center point in the southern sky?

    Has anyone ever FaceTimed from 6-8 hours away (east to west) while this southern center point was not due south of their position?

    Moon landings and other events aside, can anyone here answer these questions seriously?

    Got one more…

    If water “always finds its level” and the surface remains flat on a body of water, why did the water withdraw miles away from some beaches for an extended period of time in the Caribbean but not all beaches in the area at the same time and for the same distance?

    I have an open mind, but no one has been willing and able to address these questions over the past 3 years plus at any level of understanding of the flat earth theory. Not one of the biggest proponents has ever addressed them.

    Answer these simple questions, and you’ll have some people listening. If your answers to these questions from your direct observation don’t fit the model, you might want to drop the argument altogether. There are more important things on which to focus your attention.


  25. Flat earthers, please do explain why water draining through a hole creates a vortex. Then please explain why the vorticies spin opposite directions on either side of the equator. And please provide reproducible experiments correlating the answer to this which I may repeat. Do this and you will convince me.


  26. I love watching people argue over a shape of the planet . Let me add something to make it more interesting, What if we are just a tiny speck of fungi on a celestial’s piece of stale bread. Who knows?! 😂


    1. Let me respond with a critical thinking question instead! We can observe the moon simultaneously from both hemispheres such as Australia and England proved by FaceTime, so therefore how can the moon be in two separate constellations simultaneously? This can only mean the earth is flat and certainly not by accident.

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  27. I’m fascinated by this debate. I read the comments hoping to find some corroboration for the article. Must be fake or removed.


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