Disney CFO Proposes Converting Israel into “Holy Land” Amusement Park To End Conflict

Last week, Disney CFO Christine McCarthy proposed that Israel should be converted into an amusement park that Palestinians and Israelis could pay for entry and share. Profits would be split between the two countries.

Sources say that the idea was more aspirational than practical, but McCarthy allegedly drafted extensive blueprints for the project with detailed financial models to back it.

The idea was promptly shot down by Natenyahu on Twitter who said he didn’t want to compromise the land of the Jewish people. Haniyeh, representing Hamas, said he’d be in favor of the project only if Palestinians would finally be allowed access to clean drinking water. Natenyahu objected on the basis that water in many scenarios is used to hydrate militant terrorists and is thus a military tool Hamas could utilize to nourish their troops.

In a press release, a Disney spokesperson said: “Project Holy Land was not a serious idea, but we are hopeful to reach new creative solutions to solve this conflict in the future”

Published by Jake Dressler

Estate Planning and Car Accident Attorney in MA and CT

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